Off to a GREAT start!

Palm Sunday was great today! The weather was beautiful as we processed from the parking lot into the building. We had a bit of a traffic jam processing inside (note to self – just one time around next year!).

Church was packed and we were incredibly blessed to have the 5th grade class of Coast Episcopal School perform the Passion Gospel for us. They were AMAZING. So many lines they had memorized and their actings was superb. Many thanks to these kids, their parents, and their Headmaster / Chaplain the Reverend Liz Jones for their offering today. We were really blessed.

I always end Palm Sunday service with a Post Communion hymn “My Song is Love Unknown”. What a beautiful hymn, that tells the whole story of Holy Week. As one parishioner noted today – it is really art as the lyrics and music weave together a moving story. I am always brought to tears as we sing it, and I do insist we sing all seven verses, it’s well worth it.

Now the crazy-busy days of Holy Week will unfold and I truly look forward to each part of this journey.