A Nearly Perfect Day

In southern Mississippi, we don’t get a lot of pleasant days. But this last Saturday was one. Clear blue skies, humidity lower than usual, temps around 80.
We setup a canopy with some tables and chairs and a porta-let on our new property. A good ole fashioned picnic, with lots of great food.
We ate well and then our Bishop joined us for a blessing of our property. We swung some “holy smoke”, sprinkled some holy water, sang some songs as we walked along the property. We stopped in the center, and said some prayers of thanksgiving, of blessings, and of challenge – to BE the church, to live into our mission calling, to celebrate and serve in this spot that God has led us to.
The atmosphere was wonderful in every way – our people were relaxed and happy and positively glowing as they thought about our new home.
And best of all was the kids – we have a LOT of kids. It was so moving to see them running, frolicking, laughing, playing on our new land. They went for rides in an Argo around the grounds, played tag, ran and giggled and just had a blast. Their laughter was music to our ears.
Thank you Lord, for this day and this opportunity to continue to learn how to be your church.