The Latest

I have a WHOLE LOT to report on some happenings at St Patrick’s, all good stuff. But for now I am focused on my daughter’s health and I covet your prayers.
The results of her bronco scope biopsy were mixed. They have eliminated cancer from the equation, thanks be to God. But the rest was inconclusive.
So this coming Tuesday she will undergo surgery for an open lung biopsy. This should allow the proper amount of tissue to be gathered so we can get it analyzed and get closer to figuring this mess out. She continues to be strong, but is in much pain and discomfort.
Thanks for your support and prayers.

4 thoughts on “The Latest”

  1. thanks AKMA and Cheryll.
    The lw and I are pretty wiped out. It is much harder to watch a child suffer than to be sick yourself. We are real proud of her, she is pushing through and anxious to get some answers, and she is also adamant to return to school and finish up there.
    Thanks for your prayers.

  2. Hello, David, just wondering how your daughter is doing and how you and your lw are holding up. I know it is hard for parents to be tough when their child is extremely ill – especially when you don’t know the reason for the illness. Hang in there! God is with you – and so are our prayers!

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