Prayer Request

Hello, my legions of blogger fans!
I know it’s been a while since I have posted. Things are really hopping here and I have been up to my neck. A lot of it is good, though, and we are making great progress.
Our rebuilding committees have been working fast and furious. We have hired an architect (YEA), and our mission and ministry committee has completed surveying over half of our congregation and they have developed a draft mission statement. This will be presented to the Parish at a dinner on Sunday night, Dec. 3rd. I think it is EXCELLENT and really reflects what we learned from the surveys about who we are and who we want to serve. The process of formulating the statement was really cool. I am excited about it. Once approved, I will share it on here, I know you all are anxious to read it!
Our site selection committee is reaching the finish line. Some of you know we thought we had a property location last March, and after having to wait a couple of months, the owner then decided not to sell (no fault there, the owner’s circumstances changed dramatically). This put us back at square one, but it is really ok as all the above work needed to happen before we even thought about designing a building. This committee has narrowed lcoations down to 3 or 4, and the architects have walked each of these properties and gave us some feedback about them.
This brings me to the prayer request. I believe the location decision for the new St. Patrick’s to be the most important and most difficult thing we have to do. Where we will be will impact this church for generations. Where we will be is more important, in my view, than what the building looks like. So this decision is HUGE. Next Tuesday this committee and our overall planning committee will meet with our consultant. Each property will be evaluated against criteria we have established. The criteria will be weighted as to importance and then tallied up for each location. From this meeting I hope the site committee will be able to present their recommendation to the vestry within one week.
The vestry is tasked with the final decision (with Diocesan approval of course). So these meetings from now until Dec 7 or so will be so very important. I would appreciate your prayers for all the committee members, for our consultant, for me as the Rector trying to lead this process in a Godly way, and to our Vestry as they struggle with such a monumental decision. I think we are going about things the right way, I am impatient but I understand it’s not my time frame we are working under. I am very excited that we are reaching this point.
Putting up a sign on property in the next few weeks promoting “Future Site of St. Patrick’s” will be an incredible morale boost to our folks.
I appreciate your prayers. I will keep you posted. Happy Thanksgiving to all!

2 thoughts on “Prayer Request”

  1. A year ago, my daughter returned home from Long Beach after spending seven weeks at Camp Coast Care. My husband and I had gone there and spent a week, bringing her home with us. The news that you are preparing to choose a site and begin your building project reminds me of a conversation Lindsay (my daughter) and I had one day about wanting to go back to Long Beach when everything was better. It is wonderful to know that things are gradually getting better and that you are all recovering. We were so blessed by our experience there. I truly think that it was a life-changing experience for our daughter – and for us. Thanks to you David, your amazing wife, and the absolutely incredible people of your community! You have been a beacon of hope and strength to so many.

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