Tag Archives: family

It’s just numbers….

It’s all about the numbers. It’s been 15 days since I’ve seen my wife. Or I should say, been with her in the same space. Now days with Facetime and Facebook and the like, I can see her. I can hear her.
Folks, it ain’t the same.
In 10 days (another number) we will have been married 30 years (yet another).
10 days. 30 years. 30 years! How did THAT happen? I think I am 30, but I am 55. In 30 years of what is undoubtedly the best marriage in the history of the world (count those numbers in eons), we’ve never been apart this many days in a row.
Not one (a number) time.
General Convention is the closest but that’s less than 15 days and at the 1st two I served as deputy Jennifer joined me for some of it. Not last summer but that was still less than 15 days. And it will be another 8 before we are together.
This is not good.
I am 55. I have been married 30 years. And I really, really, really miss my wife.
Soon I will travel back to Jackson and we will finish packing and move our stuff to our new place, a condo we are renting in beautiful Delray Beach. St. Paul’s is great, this area is so nice and we are close to Jen’s sister and fairly close to her step mom. There is much work to do and adventures to have and all that is amazing and exciting and definitely blessing…..but
It’s been 15 days. 30 years. And 8 or more to go.
And I don’t like it. Not one bit.
Lord have mercy
Christ have mercy
Lord have mercy
Jen – soon and very soon. Until then, every minute I think of you and pray for you and miss you so much.