Category Archives: My Main Blog

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This made me cry

The tears really have been infrequent these last almost-three years. I wrote on here about the 2nd anniversary of Katrina and that connecting piece with my seminary classmate, Larry Motz, who died Palm Sunday 2006, and the crying jag that caused.
Today while perusing the web, I was reading the blog of the Executive Director of the Beatitudes Society, the Reverend Anne Howard. Read more about this wonderful group at their website. The first of June Anne led a second group of seminarians who are part of the society for another week of hard work at Camp Coast Care. My wife and I, as we did last year, spent an evening with them telling the stories, answering questions. On Anne’s blog recently she reflected on their experience and included comments from some of the seminarians. I was so moved by what they had to say, and I really appreciate the “fresh eyes” they used to report their experiences.
Then one of them went and said THIS:

“Another story that struck me was that of Rev. David Knight. As the rector of the local Episcopal Church, David was saddened by the destruction of St. Patrick’s, but he was one of the lucky ones whose home was left relatively unharmed. From the base of security that he and his wife were able to maintain, which included continuing support from the church, they were among the few who were in a position to act as caregivers. Three years after the storm, the wells from which they had been gathering the necessary strength to provide care seemed to be drying up, and it was obvious that he and his wife desperately needed spiritual and personal renewal if they were to continue as caregivers. I was impressed by the care that he and his wife had been providing but saddened by the sight of their clearly ebbing strength.”

Is that the impression I give people – ebbing strength? Or is it just the truth? I wept as I read it, so there must have been some truth in it. I FELT what he wrote as I read it. How weird is that?
So the BIG question – how do we recharge, replenish, refuel – for as you can tell from all their reports and many others, there is MUCH more to be done.


Just got back from a week of summer camp at good ole Camp Bratton-Green. It was a 5th and 6th grade session and I had a blast. My eldest child is part of Permanent Staff this summer and next, working the ropes course. It’s a high honor and she was selected with two others out of a pool of 50 something. They also help with all the programming, skits, worship, “Big” games, etc. It’s a whirlwind of very hard work and she LOVES it. She has dreamed of this gig her whole life, at least since her 1st time at camp as a 3rd grader. I am a proud pappa.

I will take over this session as Director next year, replacing the legendary Tom Slawson (also a Seabury grad), who has directed this particular session for 18 years! Way to go, Tom – truly a great camp director, moving on to other things and leaving huge shoes to fill.
Camp in our diocese is a HUGE deal and I am honored to be part of it, both as a newbie director and as a member of the Board of Managers for our Camp and Conference center. It’s truly the heartbeat of the Diocese of Mississippi.
Hey Everybody is what you shout when you want everyone’s attention at camp, and I used it to start my sermon last Sunday – camp stays with me for a while, for sure.
I know I have not written in forever but I plan to become a regular blog poster once again. St. Patrick’s is mere weeks from breaking ground on our new building and I will post updates here. I am also very interested in traveling ANYWHERE to do fund raising to finish the gap in financing this building. Almost 3 years since Katrina destroyed all our facilities and we are most ready to be in our new space. 
Lastly, for now, I am a MAC user now! I spent 20-something years in mainframe and then PC and Networking, primarily in the banking world. I’ve been a DOS then Windows user all that time. But for my 50th (YES 50th!!) birthday, which I celebrated at camp by having TONS of food dumped on me at lunch, my family gave me a Best Buy gift card that went a long way to the purchase of my new Macbook Pro! Wow. My old laptop was dying a slow death, and I bit the bullet big time. I am learning as I go, so far I love it.
More to come, if ANYONE is out there still….

5000 for 100 – Can you help?

I am shocked at how long it has been since I updated this blog. I don’t know if anyone is still checking in – but if you are I want to share something with you. And also ask you to pass this on to every online friend you have.
Later, I will have a post about our just completed Holy Week at St. Patrick’s.
But first – I started a group on Facebook called “5000 for 100”. The description of the group is below:
St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church in Long Beach, MS was completely destroyed by Hurricane Katrina in August of 2005. At long last the church is just about ready to begin building it’s new facility, a few miles in land (on high ground) from the beach property.
Unfortunately, due to incredibly higher construction costs, we do not have enough funds from insurance and donations to construct even our first building – which will be a multi-purpose building with a Parish Hall / Worship room, offices, and classrooms. We estimate to be about $500,000 short.
While we continue to solicit contributions from large groups, and of course from our own congregation, the idea behind this group is a grassroots campaign to find 5000 people / organizations / groups to give $100 each to our building fund.
We hope that churches (of all denominations), church youth groups, men’s groups, women’s groups, Sunday school classes, individuals will pray about ways they can help and donate to our building fund.
Soon we will add pictures to the group, including what we looked like before and preliminary sketches of our first building.
All contributions to St. Patrick’s are tax deductible. We ask that you mail contributions to the church, P.O. Box 550, Long Beach, MS 39560. You can reach us at 228-863-7882 or email [email protected] . If you do contribute – THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. Please indicate “5000 for 100” on your check so we can track this campaign (and know when we have reached 5000 contributors.
IN ADDITION, 10% of all contributions to this campaign will be given to local charities on the Gulf Coast that are helping our communities rebuild and providing services to people in need.
Lastly, will you pray for us? And pass this group info on to ALL of your friends.
God bless
David Knight
Rector, St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church

I am convinced there are 5000 people or entities across this country that can give $100 to this cause. And of course, we are not just looking at people who are on Facebook to help. We already have begun receiving donations, and people are getting excited about it. One of our partner parishes, St. Mary’s in Arlington, VA, has decided to donate $100 for every member of their church who has been to our relief center to help out – and they have sent 80 people down here! So that’s $8000 right there to our campaign. I am so excited about this, and I am convinced we will be able to start building soon.
We will have a special page on our website soon dedicated to this campaign. Meanwhile, click HERE to link to our web home where you can find pictures before and after Katrina and other information about us.
God bless you all and Happy Easter – The Lord is Risen Indeed!

Another New Year

Back at work today, but heading to a CREDO sponsored retreat for Mississippi Gulf Coast clergy tomorrow through Saturday noon. It’s a nice gift from the CREDO folks, with sessions to help us deal with the post-Katrina world we operate in. Our spouses will be with us too, so should be a great time and productive time.
Christmas was nice and hectic and fun and stressful – all the usual. I was very excited that we had 180 people at Christmas Eve service, that’s a 50% increase over last year. I think it’s a good sign that we are bouncing back strong.
It is my deepest hope and prayer that we begin the building project very soon. I hoped we would have a contractor on board before Christmas, but that has been delayed. Pray we can get moving, and that the bids are reasonable. I fear I will be back on the road fund raising soon, and I’d rather not have to do that.
My family is well, Mackenzie is pretty much fully recovered – thanks be to God. I hope you all have a great 2008!

Folks have been prayin’…..I’m just sayin’

We finally got some good-thanks-be-to-God-news about Mackenzie. We were back at UMC in Jackson for more tests, including a hi-res CT and a pretty involved PFT. Here’s my wife’s email about the results:

“Well today was a full day to say the least. We headed to Jackson
early, started with the CT, then on to do the PFT and lab work, lunch
in there somewhere then the MD appointment. This was with the
pulmonologist, Dr. Haynes. By the time we got to him he had the PFT
results and had looked at the CT. His impression of the CT was that is
certainly wasn’t worse and maybe a smidgen better. Wants to wait on
official read before committing. The PFT was a tad bit better as well
so we will take that too. We are way happy with baby steps at this
point. He is going to call with official CT results but in the
meantime has discharged her from his service for a YEAR!!!!! Whew! One
down. Now the lab work was mostly the repeat of all the labs that were
out of whack before. They will go to Dr. DeShazo, the
rheumetologist/allergist specialist. When he gets those he will call
and I am sure depending on those results have a plan. We talked a long
time about this crazy illness and we all think it’s some kind of
allergy related pneumonia. He did say that she would have to be
careful with URI in the future as they would hit her harder and
quicker then most. All we have to do is call him and he will take care
of her sooner then most MD’s would. This is good news and we are
certainly celebrating on our ride home tonight (we are on the road as
I type). I will send you more information as it trickles in but for
now, she is on the road to recovery. Oh and on a funny side note. When
we came out of the MD’s office today, Mackenzie’s first words were “so
do I get a prize?”!!!!! Our sweet Mackenzie…… Lol . Luv to you all
and we are off to the beach tomorrow with celebration on our minds,
praise God. Jen”

We are very happy with this news and feel we have turned a corner on this bizarre illness. Thank you ALL for your prayers and support.
Happy Thanksgiving! I know, like us, you all have much to give thanks for. God bless….