Prayer answered on SO many fronts. Thanks be to God!
We have tentative approval of our property purchase and an agreement on price with the property owner! We DID IT! Although the final contract is still in the lawyer’s hands, we are there, just need signatures!
I am blown away! This is GOOD NEWS!
Our location is prime for Long Beach.
Last Saturday we had a full day meeting with the architects, and they are now working on the master plan for the site!
We have to raise a bunch more money, but we are on the way!
We have returned to Sunday morning worship. Saturday nights have died off, and we are now doing 2 services on Sunday mornings. Our attendance the last two weeks has been the best since Katrina. Thanks be to God! Again, prayers answered.
Next week is the Bishop’s annual visit, and we are again borrowing the Methodist church. We have been wandering all over town, but at least we now know where we are going.
Thanks for all your prayers!!!!!
WOW….where have I been??
Does anything on this confounded Coast happen in a timely manner any more?
I haven’t posted in ages cuz I just knew that ANY DAY NOW I would be able to either celebrate the miracle I asked y’all to pray for, or talk about plan B.
And we are not there yet…..
Very, very soon I will publish where we are going, and I hope and pray that with that decision behind us we will gain some much needed momentum as we begin planning our buildings.
Meanwhile I continue to spend too much time on the road, still looking for help to build those buildings. Two more trips lined up the next 7 weeks. It is great to share our story and to meet some really wonderful people, wonderful and helpful and hopeful and generous people. It’s just that the road gets old, folks, it just does. There is so much to do here, that I regret any time away, but it’s what we gotta do for now.
Today was an interesting day. After a 2 am phone call, I had to rearrange the entire weekend. We WERE going to return to the gym this Sunday for services (YAY) preceded by Christian Ed (double YAY). But had to punt on that for a couple of weeks. Spent the day today trying to let everyone in the church know, hope we reached all that were coming. Then learned that the Lutheran church we use on Saturday nights has a funeral at 7 on Sat (we start at 6), so have to make some adjustments to get out by 645.
Can you tell I covet my own space? But all in all, we are blessed to have a place to use and everyone has been great.
Stay tuned. I promise to post more often…and hopefully very soon it will be AMAZING news!
Why Not Here…..
As I waste time this morning on here, instead of finishing sermons for Advent 4 (tonight) and Christmas Eve (tomorrow) and Christmas Day (Monday – but it will definitely be a wing-it-as-you-go sermon), I am struck, once again, by the faith of Mary and of how she was “already blessed” by her belief, before Jesus even made the grand entrance in a stable.
Which brings me to prayer request, part two!
Thanks for all of you who have been praying for St. Patrick’s and our continued recovery. Those prayers have been answered in an amazing way! I cannot really yet give out too many details, but this week our vestry accepted the recommendation of our site committee to pursue one particular piece of property that we all feel is a FANTASTIC location for the new St. Pats. It is in the heart of town, near schools, residential neighborhoods, highly visible, high traffice, pretty land, land that is above Katrina flood levels, the list goes on. The process of arriving at this decision was hard yet wonderful, prayerful, and faith filled. I cannot applaud loudly enough the work of our site committee, our planning committee, our consultant, and our vestry. I am PUMPED UP about this decision.
Which brings me to your prayers…..please don’t stop.
The only hurdle yet to cross to obtain this property is the price. We have begun negotiations, and the starting point of the land owner is too high. Our task is to convince him how we will care for this land, how we will offer so much to the community from there, how we had previously given over to the city a large part of our property for a city park, how we are committted to that same kind of presence at our new location. It is our hope and prayer that appealing to his sense of civic duty and our intentions will help us in the negotiations.
Can we claim this in God’s name? Can we dare to rejoice in God’s providence, even before it happens? Sounds kinda like Mary to me. Will you join me and our people in praying for this kind of miracle for our church?
Why not here? Why not claim God’s blessing on the process we have followed and the prayers we have said? Why not look for the unexpected and use it to give God glory?
Will you join me?
Prayer Request
Hello, my legions of blogger fans!
I know it’s been a while since I have posted. Things are really hopping here and I have been up to my neck. A lot of it is good, though, and we are making great progress.
Our rebuilding committees have been working fast and furious. We have hired an architect (YEA), and our mission and ministry committee has completed surveying over half of our congregation and they have developed a draft mission statement. This will be presented to the Parish at a dinner on Sunday night, Dec. 3rd. I think it is EXCELLENT and really reflects what we learned from the surveys about who we are and who we want to serve. The process of formulating the statement was really cool. I am excited about it. Once approved, I will share it on here, I know you all are anxious to read it!
Our site selection committee is reaching the finish line. Some of you know we thought we had a property location last March, and after having to wait a couple of months, the owner then decided not to sell (no fault there, the owner’s circumstances changed dramatically). This put us back at square one, but it is really ok as all the above work needed to happen before we even thought about designing a building. This committee has narrowed lcoations down to 3 or 4, and the architects have walked each of these properties and gave us some feedback about them.
This brings me to the prayer request. I believe the location decision for the new St. Patrick’s to be the most important and most difficult thing we have to do. Where we will be will impact this church for generations. Where we will be is more important, in my view, than what the building looks like. So this decision is HUGE. Next Tuesday this committee and our overall planning committee will meet with our consultant. Each property will be evaluated against criteria we have established. The criteria will be weighted as to importance and then tallied up for each location. From this meeting I hope the site committee will be able to present their recommendation to the vestry within one week.
The vestry is tasked with the final decision (with Diocesan approval of course). So these meetings from now until Dec 7 or so will be so very important. I would appreciate your prayers for all the committee members, for our consultant, for me as the Rector trying to lead this process in a Godly way, and to our Vestry as they struggle with such a monumental decision. I think we are going about things the right way, I am impatient but I understand it’s not my time frame we are working under. I am very excited that we are reaching this point.
Putting up a sign on property in the next few weeks promoting “Future Site of St. Patrick’s” will be an incredible morale boost to our folks.
I appreciate your prayers. I will keep you posted. Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Sad news keeps coming…..
It’s been that kind of year. It’s hard enough trying to live day-to-day in the aftermath of Katrina, church gone, half our membership gone, etc. But personal tragedies seem to be following us these last few months.
First, losing my seminary classmate and friend, Larry, on Palm Sunday. Then in May my dear Aunt Sharlie died with my wife and I at her side. And the last 5 weeks I have been part of 4 funerals, two for parishioners. 10 days ago I buried a member I had come to know through my wife serving as her hospice nurse. She ended up joining my church and we all became close as she battled her terminal illness. She lost what little she owned in Katrina and spent her last year in a nursing home far away from her beloved Gulf Coast.
Then, yesterday we said goodbye to Tommy, our head usher and all around good guy. Challenged somewhat physically and mentally, Tommy was an inspiration to us all (if you get a chance click on that link and read the article).
Then today, more terrible news. Our beloved friend, Ann Jones-Tutor, of Southaven passed away. Ann was a native of England and a long, long time participant on our annual Honduras Medical Mission. She was my prayer partner on two of those trips and accompanied my wife on all of her trips there (close to 10). She was a nurse and a joy to be with. She died from complications following knee surgery, of all things!
It’s been a tough run of late, folks. Keep us in your prayers.