Wow way too much to type about in very short time. Will update tonight. Saw so much yesterday. I think the church of the agony was very emotional, spirit filled place. Garden tomb also.
Will catch up soon!
Tomorrow we begin
After a long, long ,long flight we arrived in Tel Aviv safe and sound. Our ride drove us to hotel inJerusalem. The tour starts tomorrow early! Can’t wait!
We went to an old, busy market this afternoon. No English signs and very little spoken. It was fun to imagine the hustle and bustle and noise of the merchants and crowds bargaining over goods as they have done foe centuries.
Ready for sleep and the beginning of our tour. Very exciting!
Holy Land!
We had a great time in Ft. Myers with family and are on the way now to Israel! Can’t believe this trip has finally arrived – I have truly wanted to make a pilgrimage to the Holy Land since I was very young. I know from Lynne and many others what a great experience this will be and I am so excited that Jennifer can make this voyage with me.
Stay tuned for lots of pictures and reflections. I am keeping a diary as we go, and will share some of those thoughts as well. Also my plan is to continue saying Morning Prayer for the entire time of my Sabbatical, so if that is your habit as well (or if you want to start it), know we will be joining together in prayer each day.
My prayers for all the St. Patrick’s family continue. I do hope you are taking advantage of the workshops being offered. Blessings to all graduates, school teachers, Sunday School teachers and administrators as the school year wraps up.
And speaking of prayers – say one for our very own Clelie McCandless as she prepares to be ordained Deacon on June 4th. I do hope many of you can make the trip to the Cathedral to join with Clelie and her family on this special day. I am so proud of her!
Christ’s Peace to all – more to come from the Holy Land!
Fr. David+
Hey Y’all!
We are having a great time decompressing on our trip to see family in South Florida. Weather has been amazing!
It’s good to catch up with family we don’t get to see as much as we would like to.
Thanks to everyone who helped with our great send off! Next week Israel!
Sabbatical Time!
Sunday May 15th I am celebrant and preacher at St. Patrick’s before my Sabbatical begins. We will have a party after church to wish us well on our time away. I am really excited, a little anxious, and looking forward to this adventure, a great gift and blessing.
Stay tuned on this blog for pictures and updates of our travels and adventures. God bless you all! You are in good hands, St. Patrick’s, while I am gone.
Oh and this is a picture of where I have been invited to preach – Keble College at Oxford University (the REAL Oxford!).