Prayer, Saturday August 22, 2015

St. Paul’s Cycle of Prayer – Saturday – for the Green Team and for all Creation, for our ministries to Seniors, and for all on our Parish prayer list.

As the 10th anniversary of Katrina approaches, I find myself being drawn once again to the Psalms. I will have more to say about the one Psalm that was so important to the people of St. Patrick’s, and to me personally, as the 29th draws closer. Stay tuned!

But today Psalm 137 is a piece of where we looked for God.

  “1By the waters of Babylon we sat down and wept, 

when we remembered you, O Zion.

2As for our harps, we hung them up 

on the trees in the midst of that land.”

A people in exile, they wondered “4How shall we sing the LORD’S song upon an alien soil?” We spent a good while in exile but not in a foreign land of course. We weren’t captued by an enemy nation, but our temple was destroyed and we wandered without a “home” for a long time. And we struggled, at times, to sing the Lord’s song. We wept, we remembered, and sometimes we just hung up our harps. Yet like the Israelites in exile, we never failed to worship and to pray and to gather as God’s people, wherever that happened to be. For the oppotunity to do so, we are forever grateful.