Prayer, Monday August 17, 2015

Monday – Children, youth, and family ministries of St. Paul’s and those who teach and work with our youth. Our music program and choirs.

(click on Prayer Instructions for tips on saying Morning or Evening Prayer and online resources)

From this morning’s gospel, Mark chapter 11, Jesus says: 

25 ‘Whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone; so that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses.’

We are reminded of this, of course, whenever we say the Lord’s Prayer. But reading it today it reinforced for me the “practice” of forgiveness. We say the confession as part of Morning or Evening Prayer and Holy Eucharist. That’s important. But Jesus asks us in our prayer time to forgive “if we have anything against anyone”. Anything? Any anger, any jealousy, any envy, any hate?

We practice forgiveness because there is enormous power in it. And waiting for us when we do so is the amazing truth that God forgives us.

So practice. Forgive. And then live like you are forgiven. For you are.


3 thoughts on “Prayer, Monday August 17, 2015”

  1. Indeed Joyce. As you will notice, it is included in the prayer rota on Wednesdays, but of course we can pray always, right?

  2. THANK YOU! This is such an important reminder and I needed it. In fact, I need to be reminded often I’m afraid.

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