Prayer, Sunday August 16, 2015

St. Paul’s Cycle of Prayer – Sunday – Clergy, Staff, Wardens and Vestry and the Rector Search (click HERE to read the Rector Search prayer)
My apologies for missing a few days. One post disappeared into the vastness of cyber space and the others, well I just ran out of hours in the day.

What do you do when you are too busy to pray? Martin Luther reminded us that when we are too busy to pray, we should pray twice as long as usual. Amen to that. So I confess to have missed my structured prayer time for a couple of days. And “missed” is the opportune word, as I missed it when I missed it.

The St. Augustine’s Prayer Book includes this story in the morning prayer section. “The founder of the Order of the Holy Cross prepared this brief morning prayer to answer the complaint of a young person who insisted the morning rush offered no time to pray. In little more than twenty words, this prayer sums up our response to God in praise, in self-oblation, and in petition: 

I praise my God this day. I give myself to God this day. I ask God to help me this day.”

Praise, give, ask. It’s prayer, y’all. Have a blessed Sunday and I hope you are attending worship somewhere today.