Prayer, Tuesday August 11, 2015

St. Paul’s Cycle of Prayer – Tuesday – Seekers and other Young Adults, those in our community who are unchurched, our community and those in need, especially Family Promise and CROS ministries

We continue in the New Testament lessons in the Daily Office lectionary with the 21st chapter of Acts. I was struck yesterday and today of the power of Paul’s leave taking as he makes his way to Jerusalem, where he knows things will not go well. Yesterday he said goodbye to the people of Ephesus, where he had spent much time starting up and building up the church. Their parting was filled with weeping. Today we see Paul on his journey back to Jerusalem, making his way by sea and land he is now close to the city. Despite all the warnings and prophecies against it, Paul makes it clear to all who loved him that he must, for the sake of Christ, depart and go on to Jerusalem.

One of the hardest parts of doing interim ministry is the knowledge that your time is short and that you will be leaving at some point sooner than with most calls. As my time winds down (I have a few months yet) at St. Paul’s, these words reminded me of the goodbyes to come soon, and also of the love I have for the people here, and their great support of me and my ministry. Yet, as Saint Paul himself reminds us, we press on towards the goal, which is always primarily about the gospel of Jesus Christ. Great adventure awaits for us all!

5 thoughts on “Prayer, Tuesday August 11, 2015”

  1. Although I know it is not the right spirit, I’m afraid that I remain ostrich-like, hoping that somehow it will work out that you will stay much longer with us at St Paul’s. You are a great blessing.

  2. Your work as an interim has been such a tremendous blessing to us. You are so loved and appreciated and yes, the good byes, will be difficult. To whomever you are called to serve next and in whatever role, they will be so fortunate to have found you!

    1. I agree with your excellent comment, Margo. You are an inspiration, David, as I read your blogs on these daily scriptures. I learned so much in the Revelation class too that I reflect on regularly, especially up here in North Georgia!

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