Prayer, Friday August 7, 2015

St. Paul’s Cycle of Prayer – Friday – Daughters of the King, Brotherhood of St. Andrew, Marthas, worship volunteers (acolytes, ushers and greeters, chalice bearers) and all over volunteer groups who work so tirelessly and joyfully for the Kingdom of God and the Body of Christ at St. Paul’s.

(click Prayer Instructions for links to Morning or Evening Prayer for today)

Who is your Nathan? After King David committed adultery with Bathsheba AND had her husband killed by sending him to the front lines and instructing the other men to leave him to battle on his own. It is such a shocking crime, especially for a “man after God’s own heart”. God sent Nathan, the prophet, to confront David, and he told David a story of a rich man taking a poor man’s last lamb to feed his guests. David was furious and demanded the rich man be punished by death, to which Nathan famously responds, “YOU are the man!”

A pretty brave message delivered by the prophet to the king. We all need a Nathan, someone who is unafraid to speak the truth to us, to hold up to the light of day when we have sinned and fallen short.

Who is your Nathan? Perhaps you need to give someone permission to hold you accountable, with no strings attached. Someone who will say, “you are the man (or woman)” to your face and live to tell about it.

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