Prayer, Thursday July 30, 2015

Thursday – The people of Bondeau, Haiti, especially Pere Phanord, the school teachers and medical clinic volunteers, for our Cursillo community.

(click on Prayer Instructions for tips on saying Morning or Evening Prayer and online resources)

From Psalm 71, attributed to King David,

22Therefore I will praise you upon the lyre for your faithfulness, O my God;*
I will sing to you with the harp, O Holy One of Israel.
23My lips will sing with joy when I play to you,*
and so will my soul, which you have redeemed.

St. Augustine is often quoted saying “He who sings prays twice”. While scholars debate whether he actually said it, the words are true in my opinion. Something about praising God in song lifts our hearts in wonderful ways. “My lips will sing with joy when I play to you AND SO WILL MY SOUL, which you have redeemed”. Beautiful words. I am reminded by them of the joy I receive when my son sings and plays. He has led worship in church since he was a young teen, led music at Happening and at Camp Bratton-Green and for noon day prayers at Diocesan Council, encouraging over 300 of us old folks to stand up and sing along. I certainly don’t have his gift but my soul sings with joy when he sings and plays, as it does with our choir at St. Paul’s and our Saturday night music as well.

I will restrict my singing to when I am driving in my car alone (you’re welcome), and give thanks for all of you out there who offer your gift of music and singing to allow our souls to sing with joy.