General Convention Monday June 29

“Talitha cum. GET UP GIRL!”


Many of us began yesterday morning joining with Bishops Against Gun Violence in a peaceful march from the convention center to a park about a mile away. Over 1500 Episcopalians along with some local groups were led by about 60 Episcopal bishops. We sang along the way. At the park we heard some statistics: 82% of gun owners and 74% of NRA members support criminal background checks before allowing a gun purchase. 62% of online gun sellers told  callers, who were posing as buyers and admitted they would probably fail a federal background check, that they would sell to them anyway.

We need to close those loopholes.

We heard from a former police officer who is a bishop and former cop who is a deacon with powerful testimony. Then we heard from a victim of a mass shooting here in Utah 8 years ago. She was severely wounded and her young daughter killed, she saw the killer put the gun to her daughters head to finish her off. Her courageous story was shocking and inspiring. She said what many of us have said – we do not want to take your guns, we just want you to help be part of the solution where we can prevent SOME of the gun violence that is epidemic in our nation. When Conneticutt passed strict gun laws, the gun violence rate dropped 25%. When Missouri repealed the same type of laws, gun violence there rose 40%. Just facts. And prayers.

The UTO ingathering Sunday Eucharist was wonderful. The Presiding Bishop preached, opening with these words: “Talitha, cum.” Get up, girl, you’re not dead yet. Jesus might just as well be speaking to this church. ”

Well said. It was a great sermon. GET UP CHURCH.

With that in our hearts the legislative day began. I was not on the floor for this day. I went to the House of Bishops as they were due to consider the marriage resolutions. I kept up on Twitter with the House of Deputies who got bogged down and got very little done, according to those I follow. We are getting way behind people!

The Bishops began to examine the two marriage resolutions – one that changes the marriage canon to be gender neutral (and raises the bar on the declaration of intent signed by the couple as to the purposes of marriage – good stuff), and the other to consider trial rites that also use gender neutral language. The resolutions include the right of bishops to not allow these in their diocese, and to protect clergy from any ramifiications of refusing to perfom same sex marriages. This conscience clause regarding marriages has been part of our canons for a long time but many wanted to reiterate it again in light of these proposals.

Unfortunately time ran out on the bishops before they could debate. I am going to hang out in the HoB today when they return to these resolutions first thing.