OK for us for now

Word from the MS Coast is we dodged a bullet. There is some pretty bad flooding in some low lying areas, especially in Hancock County. There is no power in my neighborhood in the Pass, but all in all in pretty good shape. I will head home in the morning (Tue).
I am so thankful for the prayers and the support from so many. We continue to pray for all those suffering from this storm and who remain in its path.
We will decide by Wednesday if we will continue with the plans for the Ground Breaking on Saturday. May need to postpone as folks concentrate on clean up. Will post something on here when we know.
Again, thank you all. It was a LONG few days. Earlier today I felt very anxious, almost anxiety-attack like. I read Bishop Jenkin’s (Louisiana) blog here, and could relate so much to what he said. It is PTSD I believe, all this triggering those still raw and painful memories, fears, anxieties. A mixture of nausea and worry and anxiety and the like, I suppose. No fun, and my own personal material losses from Katrina were quite small compared to most. I know the psychological impact on people from Gustav will be something to deal with.
Keep praying, friends.

One thought on “OK for us for now”

  1. Dear David-
    Our prayers have been with you all in the past week, especially as you begin building your new church in the midst of hurricane season. You and your family are kept foremost in our prayers and I hope that you know we care about y’all and your parish even in the lull between storms.
    God’s peace to you, my brother

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