One More Week

It’s almost here…..this Sunday is our last Sunday in exile! While we can never properly express our gratitude to Coast Episcopal School and Camp Coast Care for hosting us all this time (and for Grace Lutheran of Long Beach where we wandered for a few months, and 1st Methodist of Long Beach where we held several “big” services), we are really, really ready to move HOME. Last Sunday, as I stood in the procession, having just prayed with the altar party, and the prelude had ended, a young man who was staying at CCC wandered over, fixed himself a bowl of cereal, opened the fridge RIGHT NEXT TO THE CHOIR, poured some milk (as the opening hymn was announced and we began singing), and proceeded to begin eating his breakfast. Folks, this is not an uncommon occurrence. The staff at CCC has been so very gracious to us and constantly remind the volunteers to respect our space and time during worship, but the truth is some folks just don’t really get that – they have no frame of reference for sacred and holy space and time. So cereal gets poured, bagels get toasted (all the food serving for the volunteers is in the same room we worship in, which is really their dining hall), and people wander in and out and around during our church service. I love them all, I really do, and we will miss them at our services, even those who are just passing by to eat a little breakfast. They are here for an amazing purpose – to help rebuild our community, and I really am ok with them doing whatever they need to do while we are borrowing what is really their space on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. But I confess – I am ready for a little more control of the environment – sound, lights, noise, movement.

We are ready – did I mention that?
We start physically moving our stuff on Memorial Day, so we are busy packing now. Holler if you can help! Pentecost is the big day! Pray for us….

One thought on “One More Week”

  1. Sure wish I could be there to help! It’s going to be a wonderful day for all of you. Have Jen send pictures!! Love ya all… Aunt Linda

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