General Convention Day Five

June 25th was Episcopal Camp and Conference Day at General Convention, and our entire deputation was decked out in fancy Beckwith shirts to honor our camp and conference center. It was also my birthday, thanks to so many for the birthday well wishes!

The House held the election for the President of the House of Deputies, current president Julia Ayala Harris was reelected on the first ballot. This was a contentious election and our prayers are with all involved for reconciliation and a path forward together, as we all have much work to do for and with our beloved church.

Late in the day, we shared a very moving time as the Navajoland area mission was officially welcomed as a Missionary Diocese. This change is canonical, and allows the Navajoland to govern themselves as all dioceses do and elect their own bishop. The testimony of their deputation was quite wonderful and their excitement and pride in this new status was palpable.

Today the bishops will gather in Christ Cathedral (just a few blocks away) for the election of the next Presiding Bishop. Your prayers are appreciated. We expect to hear election results at our 11am legislative session, but it could take longer if there are multiple ballots. All five nominees seem well suited to serve as PB, may the Holy Spirit guide our bishops in this very important election.

One thought on “General Convention Day Five”

  1. The pictures of all of you decked out in Beckwith gear was great!

    Praying for the election! The thing we know is God has this and we will get the PB he wants us to have!

    Is the 11AM time eastern?

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