General Convention Day Four

This morning we have another joint session with the Bishops joining us in the House of Deputies. We will hear about and from the nominees for the new Presiding Bishop. That election is tomorrow in the House of Bishops. The bishops will convene the election process in Christ Church Cathedral, which is very near to the convention center. Once they have selected the new PB (it takes a simple majority), the House of Deputies special committee on the election of the Presiding Bishop will receive the news and offer a resolution to our house to confirm the election. The new PB will then be introduced to the House of Deputies. The new PB will also preach at the closing Eucharist of General Convention. It’s pretty exciting and I am blessed to be present at GC for the last two PB elections in addition to this one.

For more information on the nominees, click on this article from Episcopal News Service:

Today we will vote on the budget for the next 3 years, which was presented yesterday in a joint session. The budget process has been completely revamped and all seem to agree the new method is much better. We will also have a mix of other resolutions to deal with, including one which makes Navajoland a missionary diocese. This is a big deal for Navajoland, currently considered an “area mission”. With this change they will be able to elect their own bishop, along other things this status will bring.

I will have more to say on particular resolutions as some of the more “controversial” ones will be before our House soon. Now I am off to the convention center, this being the second time I’ve celebrated my birthday while at General Convention. It’s kind of how I roll, for years my birthday always took place at Camp Bratton-Green, the Episcopal camp in Mississippi where I served as a director of a 5th and 6th grade session for several years. I don’t eat birthday cake any more so maybe I will have some spaghetti tonight! Don’t tell Jennifer!

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