Praying my way thru the Holy Land

Part of my spiritual discipline during the Sabbatical is a focus on some daily prayer disciplines. I thought I would share these with you and invite you to join me.
In addition to saying the Daily Offices (I have the BCP and lectionary on my phone and Kindle, easy for travel), I am using some other materials as well. Phyllis Tickle is a popular Episcopal author and her Divine Hours series are excellent. Using the ancient practice of praying the office hours throughout the day used in monasteries and convents for centuries, she provides prayers with included Scripture readings, Psalms, and hymns for the various hours. She has books for different seasons as well as a smaller, more generic traveling version (which I am using on my Kindle).
While on our tour a new friend I met who was also on board recommended a book of daily devotions called Jesus Calling by Sara Young, and I have included that reflection the last few days.
I pray for our staff, Fr. Ted and Lynne, and vestry and wardens daily, and have divided the church directory so that I pray for each member once a week. I hope you are praying for me and my family as well. I also hope some of you will commit to daily prayer of some form or fashion and will share with me when I return how that was for you.

God bless!
