At the request of our Daughters of the King (DoK), I developed this daily cycle of prayer for various ministries and people of St. Simon’s on the Sound. It would be wonderful if many of us were praying for these same people and ministries each day. Feel free to modify as you wish. The cycle is:
Sunday –Pray for our worship services and all who will attend. Pray for the Altar Guild and all Worship Leaders and Acolytes. Pray for the choir and music director and organist.
Monday –Pray for clergy, staff, vestry, and wardens. Pray for our parish to exhibit Christ’s love to all, to strive to know Christ and make him known.
Tuesday –Pray for all parents and grandparents, pray for the unchurched in our community that they will find a place of worship and community
Wednesday –Pray for our youth and children, pray for our SS teachers, nursery workers, and all who work with our young people. Pray for Children in Crisis and Opportunity Place. Pray for staff, teachers, and students of Elliott Point Elementary School.
Thursday –Pray for the DoK, ECW, Brotherhood of St. Andrew, Pastoral Care team and the Flower Guild
Friday –Pray for all of our Faith in Action ministries. Pray for our sisters and brothers of Gregg’s Chapel AME Church. Pray for the Diocese of Central Gulf Coast and Bishop Russell.
Saturday –Pray for sabbath time, for peace in the world, for our nation and leaders, for all serving in our armed forces. Pray for those who will worship with us Saturday evening.