Prayer, Wednesday August 12, 2015

St. Paul’s Cycle of Prayer – Wednesday – Paul’s Place after school program and the St. Paul’s Day School

From Psalm 119, the Psalm for Evening Prayer tonight:

133Steady my footsteps in your word; *

Psalm 119, the longest of the 150 Psalms, focuses on the Word of God, the Law given by Moses. The Law was not just a set of commandments, it was considered much more than that, spirit filled, alive with God. 

So we often teach of the Bible, much more than a rule book or history book, the Word of God tells a story of God, of unconditional love, of redemption in Christ, of God using some of the worst characters you can imagine to bring God’s message of love to the world. It is alive and flowing and sacred.

So when we are unsure of our path, either afraid to venture out or too quick to choose our own way instead of waiting on the Lord, these words from verse 133 are a great reminder for us.

Steady my footsteps in your word.