Prayer, Monday August 10, 2015

St. Paul’s Cycle of Prayer – Monday – Children, youth, and family ministries of St. Paul’s and those who teach and work with our youth. Our music program and choirs.

(click Prayer Instructions for links to Morning or Evening Prayer for today)

True confession time! I have hoped this prayer blog would encourage others to say the Daily Office of either Morning Prayer or Evening Prayer (or both). These two offices have anchored the Book of Common Prayer since the beginning (1549).

I have always struggled to be a disciplined daily office person. This prayer blog has really helped me with that. And while I do resonate with the offices when done in corporate worship, I tend to get really bored with them when using them on a daily basis by myself. That is probably a horrible thing for a Priest to admit, but it is true for me.

So what I need is variety. I will continue to follow the Daily Office lectionary, reading the Psalms and lessons appointed each day. But I am going to mixup the framework around the lessons. Consequently this may mean I will write about different prayers than are in the Book of Common Prayer. I apologize for any confusion.

I have several “go-to” prayer resources and I will let you know which I am using as I alternate. Don’t worry (if you are still reading this far), I will return to the BCP often.

For now I am using the St. Augustine’s Prayer Book, a small but very rich resource prepared by Forward Movement on behalf of the Order of the Holy Cross. This prayer book is Anglo-Catholic in nature and the 2014 edition is an update to the original published by the Order beginning in 1947. Stay tuned for more reflections from this book and the daily readings.

2 thoughts on “Prayer, Monday August 10, 2015”

  1. Variety is good, keeps us interested and praying. Thank you, Father David. Let’s always include our wonderful grandchildren.

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