Prayer, Friday August 21, 2015

St. Paul’s Cycle of Prayer – Friday – Daughters of the King, Brotherhood of St. Andrew, Marthas, worship volunteers (acolytes, ushers and greeters, chalice bearers) and all over volunteer groups who work so tirelessly and joyfully for the Kingdom of God and the Body of Christ at St. Paul’s.

It is the feast day of Blaise Pascal, brilliant physicist and wonderful “apologist” for the Christian faith, apology in the traditional sense of the word meaning to defend something. Pascal combined an amazing scientific career, with truly historical breakthroughs, with a firm conviction of faith in Christ, standing up to the Jesuits and a corrupt Pope of his day.

I do love this one famous quote (he has many), it is part of a series of letters, called the Provincial Letters, where he takes on the Jesuits. It is believed these letters were read by over a million people, not bad for the 1600’s! This quote should be memorized by all preachers: “This letter is longer than usual, because I lack the time to make it short.” 

It is a lot easier to write really long sermons. I pray I take the time to make them short (to a point – let’s not get too carried away here!). Emphasis for me is on time – sermon prep is really important and preachers have to carve out that time from a pretty hectic schedule. Pray for your pastor/preacher and support them however you can to take that time – maybe they will make it short!