Prayer, Wednesday July 29, 2015 – on BFFs

St. Paul’s Cycle of Prayer – Wednesday – Paul’s Place after school program and the St. Paul’s Day School

(click Prayer Instructions for links to Morning or Evening Prayer for today)

I was so touched this morning in my prayer time, thinking of Mary and Martha (whose feast day is today) and their brother, Lazarus. I don’t know about you, but I rarely think of Jesus having BFFs – but surely these three were that for him. Their home in Bethany was a source of rest and preparation. Being situated on the other side of the Mt. of Olives can’t you see Jesus and his gang hanging out there before heading over the hill to Jerusalem, where he faced the cross? Mary and Martha and their various roles have often been discussed, but today I was just thinking of their friendship, of how Jesus wept when he heard of Lazarus’ death, even knowing he would raise Lazarus.

In ministry, no matter if you are ordained or not, the importance of friendships cannot be under emphasized. It can be a very lonely vocation. I think in a lot of ways that may be the hardest part of being a clergy person. It is difficult to have true friendship with parishioners (and I have been deeply wounded when I ventured down that road), and although most of my friends are also clergy, our busy lives and conflicting schedules make finding time for each other so difficult. It’s one main reason I love going to General Convention, for there I get to catch up with a lot of friends and spend some time with them.

Today I want to encourage you to pray for all leaders in ministry and for good friends to help them along the path God has chosen for them.