Prayer, Tuesday July 21, 2015

St. Paul’s Cycle of Prayer – Tuesday – Seekers and other Young Adults, those in our community who are unchurched, our community and those in need, especially Family Promise and CROS ministries
From Psalm 45, appointed for today:

1My heart is stirring with a noble song;

Don’t worry, I am not about to sing for you! But my heart is stirring. My wife and I are taking a quick holiday to the Florida Keys, so the next 3 days my prayer time will be shared with  gazing at the ocean, watching the amazing sunsets, spending much needed time with my bride. One of my most-do-before-we-leave-south-Florida hopes was to see the Keys, as I have never been here before. And while our trip is very short (3 days), it is much needed. The future weighs on me at times, I must confess. I know my time at St. Paul’s is winding down, and I have no idea where we will be next. I know God knows, and for these 3 days my prayer is to put that aside and just be. Be present with my wife, be present with God’s glorious creation, be present in prayer….and maybe my heart will stir with a noble song.