Prayer, Friday July 24, 2015

Friday – Daughters of the King, Brotherhood of St. Andrew, Marthas, worship volunteers (acolytes, ushers and greeters, chalice bearers) and all over volunteer groups who work so tirelessly and joyfully for the Kingdom of God and the Body of Christ at St. Paul’s.

I am not the first to say that the 4th commandment is the one broken most often by the people of God. Honoring the Sabbath seems to be more difficult for us all the time.

I was encouraged at General Convention to hear how all four of the candidates for Presiding Bishop were adamant about sabbath time – weekly with a day off, monthly with intentional spiritual direction, yearly with a retreat.

While I don’t practice what I preach very well, I am thankful for the last 3 days of sabbath time. Jennifer and I escaped for a quick trip to the Keys, my first time down there, and while we kept busy with fun activities, at the same time I was actually able to put “work” aside for a bit. I did spend time in prayer, especially around our discernment, but that is an appropriate thing to do while enjoying sabbath rest.

I pray all of you will make sure you keep sabbath, somehow, someway. We all need it. Perhaps this can be your prayer tonight as well – from the 51st Psalm appointed for tonight, “Create in me a clean heart o God, and renew a right spirit within me.” Renew. Amen.

One thought on “Prayer, Friday July 24, 2015”

  1. Thank you for this message. You are so right that it is both necessary and difficult to do. It’s helpful to think “… keep sabbath, somehow, someway” – a good starting place.

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