
Well, the mini-sabbatical was just what the doctor ordered. Seriously. A perfect time of respite and refreshment, tropical retreat to St Lucia with my LW to celebrate our 25th, an extended stay in South Florida, full of good weather, great tennis, and good times, it could not have gone better. I feel SO amazingly refreshed and recharged.
Came home to our Diocesan Council weekend, a good time as well, and great to see a focus on mission led by our Bishop.
Back to work last week catching up on the mountain of mail, email, calls, pastoral issues, etc., as well as preparing for the St Patrick’s annual meeting. Also – the church building! It’s rocking on! Sheet rock is up, most of the roof is done, it looks amazing.
Then …… it happened. Playing tennis Thursday night, as I pushed off with my right foot to cut off a shot and hit a volley, it popped. Loud and HUGELY painful, I had torn completely my achillies tendon. I have never felt such pain.
Long night in the ER with an MRI that confirmed it. I managed to go to church Sunday for the annual meeting, and surgery is scheduled this morning (Monday the 16).
I am blessed to have an LW who is a fantastic nurse and has really taken great care of me. I am non weight bearing on the right foot and will be for 8 weeks post op! This is a long rehab, you have to totally rebuild the calf muscle after the tendon heals. Pray for us!
I am not sure yet how will do church, but the timing could not be worse. Lent is upon us, and the move into the building may take place around Easter! Lord help us.
Fortunately the sabbatical time assured everyone that they can function at a high level without me doing everything (but St Pats folks have known that anyway), and I know folks will rally around what is in front of us.
Meanwhile – can I ask your prayers for the surgery and recovery, and for my wife and family? Oh, and I wouldn’t mind if you included a request to limit the pain!
Thanks….will keep you all posted….